Codefest 2025 Writeups

Reading time ~2 minutes

This weekend was busy with 4 or 5 simultaneous CTFs tracked on CTFTime. I played a few and enjoyed Codefest 2025 organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT BHU. I played across the usual pwn, rev, crypto categories. One I chose to write-up was the crypto/Really Shy Algorithm challenge.

Really Shy Algorithm - crypto - 269 points

This challenge comes with no files but a remote connection to a container running the challenge. The clue is:

This program will decrypt any ciphertext. But keep in mind,
the program is a little shy and will not answer sometimes.

When connecting to the server we get :

Really Shy Algorithm

Hi, umm, here's the encrypted flag
ciphertext = 397386617442819865446784287912029230622640145505891725870
n = 172924977122906355459022703441642000493641361318033180029961514862

You can give me any ciphertext to decrypt in integer format

Plot Twist: It's been 2 seconds and you haven't input anything. This is taking too long. Bye

The challenge times out. Attempting the simple case of just decrypting the flag ciphertext gives us an error:

Plot Twist: Sorry, I cannot decrypt the flag

Fair enough.

Since we can’t directly decrypt the flag, the solution here is to decrypt a number related to the flag. Since RSA is “multiplicative homomorphic” we can do that relatively easily.

What do I mean by this? Simply that:

encrypt(message1) * encrypt(message2) = encrypt(message1 * message2) % n

So since we know n, c and can know a provided ciphertext and receive the decryption of that we can use that to derive the original encrypted plaintext.

Here’s the steps we go through.

Connect to the service and get the parameters

from pwn import *
import random
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, GCD, inverse

p = remote("", 40885)

# Receive the encrypted flag and the modulus from the server
p.recvuntil(b"ciphertext = ")
flagct = int(p.recvline().decode())
p.recvuntil(b"n = ")
n = int(p.recvline().decode())

# We'll need the public exponent. The server doesn't give it
# to us so we just guess the most common exponent.
e = 65537"flag ct: {flagct}")"n: {n}")

Choose an arbitrary number to encrypt. It must be co-prime to n

# Choose some valid x to encrypt.
while True:
    x = random.randint(2, 4096)
    if GCD(x, n) == 1:

Calculate the inverse of our number x mod n and encrypt it with parameters we know

x_inv = inverse(x, n)
x_enc = pow(x, 65537, n)
attack_x = (x_enc * flagct) % n

Send our attack to the server and calculate the flag

# Send to server to decrypt.
ct = str(attack_x).encode()
p.recvuntil(b"ciphertext: ")
p.recvuntil(b"plaintext = ")
res = int(p.recvline().decode())

flag = (res * x_inv) % n

log.success(f"flag: {long_to_bytes(flag)}")

Running this code against the server gets us the flag:

$ ./ 
[+] Opening connection to on port 40885: Done
[*] flag ct: 10273320205992333890680834587074066692313111727731958952694830701160479538913787758748688900488407518588341376832965252530271267985618453632070796994335838706295888294163618498003992097296713642060203263282371674282544782574140305483826441633363347438618662473623931435203629313587909822610683754576037018208007697286659296290545828254684909830713856481407095403887809291970333065984164433687075666230544276031526998575852778554674981521535656452031300117280054698423838170364707009336809236258278112338007530353354605658496227224118428691887199336812144234961840804106040700468412121420385768845870301290846395364585
[*] n: 15951749266492228293857871821965316707697540666490830823177671405736577031296668597684137949435694484987731415182184827518784181660171476965004649356892399805705950098329592157134149699389491506128536352465535266267632193552937745224117051782005489781026647842133459779360246601474527981267093406560990236065852442831752563824693507848864076057828388029877560512340515296925352841218207812639410646122507657798463638809770948676365132223006594135447006109022456281342309623971931597352185573311532021033711671246773824541354360349840887586757541704382583395806442191310589262850536064818563205576722579158632021609337
[+] flag: b'CodefestCTF{R5a_D3CRYptI0N_SErV1c3s_c4N_be_eaSIly_CRACK3D_eBqkEy0Y}'

Which scores us the points :)

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