Second writeup from CSAW, a Software Engineering challenge more than crypto in my opinion!
Gotta Decrypt em All - Crypto - 175 points
This challenge reads:
Gotta Decrypt Them All
You are stuck in another dimension while you were riding Solgaleo. You
have Rotom-dex with you to contact your friends but he won't activate
the GPS unless you can prove yourself to him. He is going to give you
a series of phrases that only you should be able to decrypt and you
have a limited amount of time to do so. Can you decrypt them all?
nc 5001
(235 Solves)
This challenge isn’t about solving tough math problems or tricky decryption, its mostly about writing some moderetely robust code to parse the problems, break them down and solve them.
Only late into the solution did I realise it was probably a lot simpler than I thought, but anyway I wrote a lot of code.
The server throws several simple decryption problems and expects you to solve them very quickly. Each code given is like an onion with layers beneath it. It seems in this order:
- Morse code which decodes to…
- Decimal ascii representation which decodes to…
- Base64 code which decodes to…
- An RSA public key including N, e and C which you can easily break and which decodes too…
- A Rot13 string which decodes to…
- Some nonsense words which you must submit the the server…
Anyway theres not much mystery here, my solution was as follows:
from pwn import *
import base64
import re
import codecs
import enchant
host, port = "", 5001
morse = {'A': '.-', 'B': '-...', 'C': '-.-.', 'D': '-..', 'E': '.', 'F': '..-.', 'G': '--.', 'H': '....', 'I': '..', 'J': '.---', 'K': '-.-', 'L': '.-..',
'M': '--', 'N': '-.', 'O': '---', 'P': '.--.', 'Q': '--.-', 'R': '.-.','S': '...', 'T': '-', 'U': '..-', 'V': '...-', 'W': '.--', 'X': '-..-',
'Y': '-.--', 'Z': '--..','0': '-----', '1': '.----', '2': '..---', '3': '...--', '4': '....-', '5': '.....','6': '-....', '7': '--...', '8': '---..','9': '----.'}
inversemorse = {value:key for key,value in morse.items()}
exceptions = ["Wobbuffet", "Arctovish", "Bouffalant", "Froakie", "Arctozolt"]
justDidRot13 = False
def decode_morse(s):"decoding as morse")
res = ""
morse = s.split(' /')
for word in morse:
letters = word.split()
for letter in letters:
res += inversemorse.get(letter)
res += " "
res = res.strip()"decoded to: %s ..." % res[:min(12, len(res))])
return res
def decode_dec(s):"decoding as dec")
res = ''.join([chr(int(x)) for x in s.split()])"decoded to: %s ..." % res[:min(12, len(res))])
return res
def decode_b64(s):"decoding as b64")
res = base64.b64decode(s).decode()"decoded to: %s ..." % res[:min(12, len(res))])
return res
def decode_rsa(s):"conducting rsa attack")
keyvals = s.split('\\n')
with open('', 'w') as f:
for k in keyvals:
f.write(k + '\n')
pp = process('goRsaTool -key -attack hastads', shell=True)
res = pp.recvall().decode().splitlines()[1]
except IndexError:
log.error("rsa attack failed")"decoded to: %s ..." % res[:min(12, len(res))])
return res
def decode_rot13(s):
global justDidRot13"decoding as rot13")
res = codecs.encode(s, "rot_13")"decoded to: %s ..." % res[:min(12, len(res))])
justDidRot13 = True
return res
def is_probably_english(s):
for e in exceptions:
if e in s:
return True
d = enchant.Dict("en_US")
words = s.split()
wlen = len(words)
counter = 0
for word in words:
if d.check(word):
counter += 1
res = float(counter / wlen)
if res < 0.5:"deciding that %s is not english (%0.2f)" % (s, res))
return False"deciding that %s is probably english(%f)" % (s, res))
return True
def is_words(s):
words = s.split()
wlen = len(words)
if wlen == 1 and len(s) > 20:
return False
wlens = []
for word in words:
avg = float(sum(wlens)/wlen)
if avg > 3.0:"decided that %s is probably words (%0.2f)" % (s, avg))
return True"decided that %s is probably NOT words(%0.2f)" % (s, avg))
return False
def detect_attack(s):
global justDidRot13"type of s: %s" % type(s))
if re.match('^[.-]+\s[.-]+', s):
return "morse"
if re.match('^N\s=\s\d+',s):
return "rsa"
if re.match('[0-9]{2}\s[0-9]{2}', s):
return "dec"
if re.match('^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$', s) and len(s) > 15:
res = base64.b64decode(s)
return "b64"
if is_words(s) and not is_probably_english(s) and not justDidRot13:
return "rot13"
justDidRot13 = False
#log.warn("unknown encryption for %s" % s)
return "unk"
def get_chall(p):
z = p.recvuntil((b'What does this mean?', b'flag{'))
if b'flag{' in z:
rest = p.recvline() + rest.decode())
chal = p.recvuntil(b'>> ')
return chal[:-3].decode().strip()
def teststuff():
assert decode_morse('---.. ....- /.---- ----- .....') == "84 105"
assert decode_dec('84 105') == "Ti"
assert decode_rsa('N = 137425672556739273030748640258205210116153474880488589847281419295608608517430318444692184153927476177033566842517562867336749010217865190815622813967554329700303230164068787074096163048454066981689296885580800937011789021736936848702792528039372388949366708604807034984009711327938053861353031046439467848541\\ne = 3\\nc = 152167424273977436702890273274501734012765882487008338973232502170356375148818609621863975256') == 'Cbxrzba Anzrf'
assert detect_attack('---.. ....- /.---- ----- .....') == "morse"
assert detect_attack('84 105') == "dec"
assert detect_attack('N = 137425672556739273030748640258205210116153474880488589847281419295608608517430318444692184153927476177033566842517562867336749010217865190815622813967554329700303230164068787074096163048454066981689296885580800937011789021736936848702792528039372388949366708604807034984009711327938053861353031046439467848541\\ne = 3\\nc = 152167424273977436702890273274501734012765882487008338973232502170356375148818609621863975256') == "rsa"
assert detect_attack('aGVsbG8=') == "b64"
assert detect_attack('0a 0d 3a 4b') == "unk"
assert detect_attack('Cbxrzba Anzrf') == "rot13"
assert detect_attack('Nhqvab') == "rot13"
def do_attack(s, t):
if t == "morse":
return decode_morse(s)
if t == "dec":
return decode_dec(s)
if t == "rsa":
return decode_rsa(s)
if t == "b64":
return decode_b64(s)
if t == "rot13":
return decode_rot13(s)
if t == "unk":
return s
def main():
# teststuff()
# quit()
p = remote(host, port)
while True:
s = get_chall(p)
t = detect_attack(s)"got ciphertext: %s ..." % s[:min(12, len(s))])
while t != "unk":
s = do_attack(s, t)
t = detect_attack(s)"detected as: %s" % t)"sending as plaintext: %s" % s)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Which when I ran it, spat out the flag in around 60 seconds.
It was fun to code but it took a lot of time away from other challenges worth a lot more points. Oh well!